for a Leo

Putri Auni
2 min readJul 26, 2021

Hey, this Leo season is pretty strict, right? let's hope some of yall didn't keep your anger inside the madness mind that you have because of the pandemic.

people think that I don't actually believe in horoscope or astrology things but here I am talking about nonsense, yeah, bear with me,

I do talk about things and wanna write something for today so I do this, it's not like I don't have any idea for bringing up about topics but I legit remember about my new friend birthday, he turned 23, and I have a good moment since this mid-year with him,

Some people might know exactly how Leo act; stubborn, angst energy, egoistic, lazy, but they have a good GOOD sense of humor, I never doubt any of that. I have three Leo around and this very short letter is for yall!

to every Leo guy that I know.

my big bro, childhood best friend, and the one that I've been talking to about things lately. I really wanna say thanks for all the best moments, good memories, and the feeling of having a secure sense around you guys.

yes, I actually kinda feel safe around Leo, it’s just, the anger and strict things that they have was scary, but, the good side is they completely made me realize people judgment and behavior

we can never ever talk about Leo when talking about the anger that they have, the main reason I’m writing this is all bout the anger. every Leo kinda having the same anger energy, I just don't know why. and if I can make a percentage about the anger of three Leo that I mention in the first place, it would be like

1st person is kabay my older brother 86%, 2nd 88%, and 3rd 81%.

I don't know, that just suits their personality.

and yeah I remember the time that kabay was always angry about my childish thing when we were just little kids, like putting my uniform everywhere in our room after I just got home from school.
and 2nd was always angry about things that I didn't agree about something we want to do, and to the 3rd, I don't actually know, never see you complaining about things nor when you feel angry about something, but, I exactly know based on how you act and treat people.

I will never ever not talking about anger when it comes to Leo, that's just my vibe now when writing this letter, soooooo, for you Leo, can you please control your anger. we all know yall are born natural leaders but not the angst angry ones right?

I truly admire every single thing that we have and that's all I wanna say, happy Leo szn, and…

happy fucking birthday to the leo❤

2021, 26th of July

20.47 p.m.



Putri Auni

Filled by journey, favorite things, and love. I basically digital-ing my diary book in here.